Nicco Kunzmann


Democratic Systems and Education

Democratic Systems and Education

As in every hirarchy, there is an informationloss, it is those at the root of the hirarchy who have to communicate their wishes. As they can get lost in every structure, it is the quality of the connections between the steps they go through that ensures that they will get to the right ears. As such, a democratic system is not democratic by its form. It is democratic by the quality of the communication between those who participate and are willing to listen to other points of view.

However, as it is with form and structure, it has an innate leaning towards hearing or discarding the concerns of its participants. As such a structure formerly thought democratic can converge to an undemocratic structure over time as the quality of connection decays. It may have worked with the right people in the beginning but favor an undemocratic upcoming of new people. As such the system can be blamed.

If we want to have a true democracy, we want to have people who can stand up for themselves, self-organize, be open to other views and creative. If the hidden teaching plan is to remove that, to install obedience, fear of failure and sticking to known solutions, this plan is part of the democratic system.

To re-install a democratic system with a nation strong through its inner bonds, the education has to change to foster learning self-awareness, awareness of others, creatures and nature, freedom in the face of fear, belonging, receiving feedback and much more. If that can not be done, most of us will never know, what rule of the people means.

It can be done.